Be Inspired...

Equine Inspirations Collection

Grounded in Memory

A Lifelong love...
A Lifelong Muse...
This collection of small horse sculptures, paintings and drawings is a delightful, nostalgic journey of into childhood memories of my rural roots.
All prices are in Canadian funds

Finding the shape and form of horses within the immediacy of clay is so fulfilling. Then, to see that ephemeral substance, translated into the timelessness of bronze is a delight.
There is only one sculpture in this collection that has been cast so far, with several copies sold. There is one not yet spoken for, and ready to ship: Gentle Giant Mini Clyde.
The rest of the sculptures are offered as pre-casting specials, which gives the collector a discounted price from the final bronze.
This is an exciting part of the casting process for collectors, because they can be an active part of the patina choice, and receive one of the first few sculptures in the edition.
Expect about two months for your sculpture to be completed.

Delicate Renaissance Gold brushstrokes trace ephemeral lines of energy through cool blue and turquoise hues, surrounding the subjects, and bringing spirit into tangible focus.
These little paintings are prayers which evoke my deep love for horses.

Works on Paper
Lines drawn with pencil and vine charcoal are washed with diluted sepia and gold ink to set them. The pages dry, and more strokes are applied with coloured pencils. In turn, more ink washes create new layers to explore.
I sank deep into the process of creating these works on paper, working on all of them at once, moving back and forth with brush and pencil and ink.
The final beeswax coat is brushed on and then fused with heat, so it soaks through the paper fibers, protecting the work and creating parchment-like surfaces with a mysterious, aged quality.