Be Inspired...

Bronze Horse Sculpture
Equine Inspiration...
I grew up with horses and some of my earliest memories include the smell of hay and barns. Horses are surrounded and layered with history and mythology and their beautiful forms leap through our imagination.
Sculpting horses was something I have always wanted to do so it was no surprise to see my very first bronze castings feature equines.
It is remarkable how bronze can convey not only the strength of horses but also their sensitive nature.
Prices are in Canadian funds and do not include customs fees or duties if purchasing from outside of Canada. Larger pieces travel in custom wooden crates.

This collection of small horse sculptures, paintings and drawings is a delightful, nostalgic journey of into childhood memories of my rural roots.

Join me as I once again explore my
life-long equine muse with a collection of small paintings, drawings and sculpture.
The New Collection Awaits.
Pre-casting release of new small horse sculptures,
small paintings and works on paper...